

Khora. The journal of modern foreign philosophy
and philosophical comparativistics

Established in 2007

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The journal of modern foreign philosophy
and philosophical comparativistics





Kolesnikov A.S. Philosophy in Australia: history, thinkers, problems P. 5-33
Markov B.V. Hermeneutics and Deconstruction P. 34-47
Darenskiy V.J. Biblical anthropology and contemporary psychology: paradoxes of interrelations P. 48-60

The author considers the problem of Biblical roots of contemporary psychology. This interpretation is based on the fact of correlation between some key ideas of Biblical anthropology and psyhological methods. For instance, human consciousness in psyhology is interpreting not as a aristotelian psyhe, but as a non-finished and problematical es-sence. Special attention in article devotes to interpreting of psychoanalysis, materialist theories of mind, so called activity approach and behaviourism.


Dyakov A.V. "Opening Philosophy": Foucault and Nietzsche P. 61-68

Article represents experience comparative comparisons of philosophical concepts of F. Nietzsche and M. Foucault. The author analyzes such defining concepts, as will to authority, will to true, care of, showing functioning nietzcheen ideas in Foucault's ethical philosophy. The special at-tention is given transformation to genealogy of morals in methodology of genealogic research.

Dolina V.G. The comparative analysis of the morals substantiation in the British and German philosophical traditions (moralists of the XVII century and Immanuil Kant) P. 69-77

In the article has been shown the role of the moral sense school in revision of a classical image of the moral law: change of its concept traditionally contacts to Kant though the British moralists emphasized moral value of virtues regardless to their result as the purposes. Without belittling Kants role, it should be admitted, that in many respects representatives of the British moral sense school have acted originally as the forerunners of the Kants ethical theory. However, in Kants philosophy all the above-stated problems have been formulated in the rigid and categorical form. He has naked these questions owing to what they have appeared in the center of attention and in many respects have defined the further development of moral philosophy while in the British philosophy of moral sense these problems were not so strongly expressed that caused as an obvious obstacle for their estimation.

Vlasova O.A. Phenomenology in the space of psychiatry: Heidegger and clinicists P. 78-86

In article M. Heidegger's relationswith psychiatrists V.E. von Gebsattel, L. Binswanger, M. Boss are considered. Influence of their views, works and activity for a life and Heidegger's ideas is shown.

Reports ("Days of the Petersburg philosophy - 2007")

Kirabaev N.S. Philosophical Comparativistics and the Socio-Cultural Critics P. 87-91
Dyakov A.V. Pragmatics ant Critics: Foucault and Kant P. 92-97
Shilkov Y.M. Surprising Variety of Philosophy's Languages P. 98-99
Isakov A.N. The Language and the Destiny of Philosophy P. 100-102

Conversations with Philosophers

"The new philosophy comes" (Conversation with A.S. Kolesnikov) P. 103-121
"Philosopher is a Genius of the Place" (Conversation with A.A. Gryakalov) P. 122-137
"To Continue the Thought of Author" (Conversation with V.I. Kolyadko) P. 138-137


Michel Foucault. Illness and existence. Transl. from French with comments by O.A. Vlasova. P. 148-160
Jacques Derrida. The Theology of Translation. Transl. from French by O. Geidarova with edition by S.L. Fokin. P. 161-174

Critics and Bibliography P. 175-177
Information P. 178-182
About Authors P. 183


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Khora. The journal of modern foreign philosophy and philosophical comparativistics. 2008. 1

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